On This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
In a world where there’s an influx of information and misinformation, understanding the intricacies between public health and the digital age is more critical than ever. In this episode, Dr. Denise K. Scannell, Chief Social and Behavioral Scientist at MITRE and the force behind HIPE™ Lab, joins the conversation. Dr. Scannell shares her extensive knowledge on the dynamically evolving information ecosystem and the impact of technology and social media on public health and on the health information landscape. Tune in to hear how HIPE™ Lab monitors this information ecosystem to better understand its influence on health behaviors and get some of her insights into the importance of local community engagement and partnership. Let's dive in.
Meet Denise K. Scannell, Ph.D.
Denise Scannell, PhD, is Chief Social & Behavioral Scientist and manages MITRE’s Health Behavioral & Social Sciences Division. In this capacity, Denise leads a PhD-trained team of quantitative and qualitative researchers addressing a range of issues including health literacy and engagement, health economics, health equity, and social engagement and impact. A behavioral scientist, Denise’s accomplishments include developing and leading MITRE’s HIPE™ Lab, which explores trends in harmful on-line information impacting behavior, decision-making, and public safety as well as on-going lab research studies across multiple topic areas, including health, well-being, equity, and violence. Denise also studies and leads projects focused on the evolving and disruptive impacts of technology and innovation on societal behavior and decision-making, including the anthropology of technology,, AI literacy and harmful effects of our online information ecosystem. Denise earned her BA in journalism and English Literature from Rutgers University and PhD in Health Communication from George Mason University.
Listen To This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
Conversation Highlights
An introductory biography of our guest today, Dr. Denise Scannell
Dr. Scannell tells listeners more about who she is
When she first became interested in the public health sector
She elaborates on her research focus: how people interact and get health information
How social media has influenced acquiring health information
More about Dr. Scannell’s role at MITRE
We talk about the revolving ecosystem of information
Dr. Scannell provides insights into MITRE's HIPE™ Lab and the ongoing projects she’s involved with
A quick look at evolving technology and AI and their role in shaping information
We discuss the challenging task undertaken by public health professionals in sorting through mounds of information
The approach they take to working with their client group: the people and place perspective
The ideal client and their focus on areas of critical need
Connecting the dots: understanding what Dr. Scannell does as it relates to public health
Advice to others who are inspired to pursue a similar career: understanding community needs
"The burden on public health is, [I think] that we all need to be empowered to phone a friend. Partner with local barbers, partner with libraries and museums, don't shoulder all of the burden yourself, because help is out there." - Denise K. Scannell, Ph.D.
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