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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations Podcast

Episode #130 Public Health Consulting: Commonly Asked Questions

In this Podcast Episode

I address one of the most commonly asked and difficult to answer questions regarding public health consulting and entrepreneurship. How do I get started? Phrased any number of ways, people want to know how to get started and how to become a consultant. I’m going to answer a few questions that were submitted by members of my community, in response to one of my surveys. Afterwards, I will share some resources that you can follow up with.

Observations From My Senior Level Colleagues

Let me share something with you before we get started. Over the last year, I’ve noticed several of my more senior colleagues who have been in healthcare and public health for many years make this observation. They talk about how sad it is that we are repeatedly addressing some of the most challenging and long standing public health issues using the same old strategies and tactics used for many years. We have not review, revised, or refreshed these old approaches but rather continue the same old patterns and wonder why we are still dealing with some of the same problems. My colleagues made these statements with the sound of heartbreak, frustration, and defeat in their voices.

The Excitement of Entrepreneurship in Public Health

One of the reasons I get so excited about entrepreneurship in public health is because it feels like the lights are being turned on. I believe that people who are inspired with ideas about how we can improve public health and advance the mission in a new way should be encouraged to do so. Those very people with the ideas and energy and passion to serve communities and causes that they care about should be encouraged to pursue those ideas and develop those businesses.

I’m proud to use the platform of the EXPO to highlight the ways that my colleagues are creatively addressing some of the public health challenges in their own unique ways. All of the presenters hope to inspire others who have ideas and want to take action to start their own public health businesses.

Let’s be unapologetically excited about the way we do business in public health. Let’s shake things up and advance the mission of public health with fresh new enthusiasm.

Are you with me?

Let’s do this!

Listen to this Podcast Episode

Previous Podcast Episode

In episode 129, I announced that the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO, is back and better than ever! Be sure to listen to that episode to hear all of the details.

Three Categories People Who Are Curious About Public Health Consulting

I’m going to narrow things down into 3 categories and point you to the resources that can best help.

Category One

People in this first category are just generally curious. They are casually exploring the idea of consulting and want to see what others are doing

Resource: Attend the EXPO

Category Two

People in the second category have been thinking about consulting, and it is interesting to them but they're not sure if consulting is for them or not.

Resources: I highly recommend the EXPO here as well. In addition to that, I recommend Contemplating Consulting: A readiness guide to help public health professionals decide to hit the brakes or take the leap This is an excellent program created by one of my colleagues, Leah Roman (podcast episode 95). She is generously offering a special discount to our podcast listeners. Enter the code "podcast" at checkout to receive 10% off of the purchase price.

Category Three

People in the third category, know that they want to start a business. They have some ideas but just don’t know how to get started and need help putting together a business strategy together. They are ready to take their ideas and shape them into an actual business.

Resources: I highly recommend starting with the EXPO here also. After that, My coaching program “How to Get Started with Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship”will take you step by step in moving from ideas to starting your public health business.


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