In this episode, I answer a question submitted by one of the members of our community. The question comes from someone who is about to start a DrPH program. The program is a hybrid program, with the majority of the coursework being delivered online. Her questions are regarding the anticipated struggle to manage time between work, home, and school.
When it comes to managing work, home, and school it takes practice and persistence and determination.
Here are a few tips discussed in this episode:
Make sure you have a support system: friend, spouse, peer, mentor or someone who will allow you to talk it out, vent a little, but help you stay focused.
Be very organized with your digital files. Develop a strong organization system so that you can find what you need when you need it.
Minimize distractions and stay focused. Guard your study time, work time, family time, etc., and stay on task.
Make the most of breaks at work: read, review, outline papers, etc.
Remember personal development: regular exercise, healthy food choices, quality sleep, etc.
Remember professional development time. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but you need some consistent effort toward preparation for your career.
Reach out and be proactive in the online community.
Use social media, but be careful not to allow it to become a distraction.
Build and connect on LinkedIn for sure.
Connect at your school’s meetups and in-person conferences.
Attend public conferences (specifically APHA) and interact.
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