On This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
Have you thought about starting a podcast for your organization? As we at the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations podcast approach our 300th episode, we’re taking this opportunity to answer some of the questions we get asked from nonprofit and public health organizations about podcasting. While there is some cost and time required in an endeavor like this, it can be incredibly rewarding. In this episode, we explain some of the things to consider before starting a podcast and break down some of the many benefits you can gain from this based on our six years of experience in creating this one. If you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast for your organization, don’t miss this episode!
Listen To This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
Conversation Highlights
Today’s topic: Podcasting for Business
The rewarding journey of the PHEC podcast
The cost and time required for creating a podcast
How a podcast can help you connect with your target audience
Podcasting as a way to establish authority in your industry
How it enables you to reach a wider audience
The sharable content that podcasting enables you to create
How it can help you differentiate your business from others in the industry
Humanizing your brand as one of the benefits of having a podcast
Podcasting as a means to generate leads
Increasing customer loyalty through your podcast
The public speaking skills you will gain from having a podcast
How DrCHHuntley can help you create a podcast for your organization
Episode Insight
“Starting a podcast for your business or organization can be a powerful tool for branding and awareness, for establishing authority in your industry, and distinguishing your organization from the crowd.” — Dr. Huntley
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Public Health Consulting To Support You
DrCHHuntley LLC is a public health consulting firm that specializes in epidemiology consulting, supporting large nonprofit organizations in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida that serve Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). We also provide nationwide public health consulting and epidemiology consulting support to BIPOC organizations across the United States.