On This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations Podcast has a loyal audience of listeners, and we appreciate all of you. A lot of work goes into producing each episode and making it freely available to everyone worldwide. It’s time to grow and reach even more people, and we need your help to make that happen. On this podcast episode, we’ll discuss several easy ways that you can help us reach a larger audience.
Listen To This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
A lot goes into producing each episode of the podcast
Coordinating each guest
Planning and outlining solo episodes
Recording the interviews
Recording the introductions
Recording the takeaways
Editing team for audio
Preparing the show notes
Scheduling the final episode to publish
Social media posts
Newsletter announcement
Follow up with guests
Thank You Loyal Listeners
Thank you to everyone who regularly shares our podcast episodes. We are working very hard to deliver these episodes and make them freely available to all of you week after week, and are now asking our audience to help us grow.
Social proof is an important part of helping our podcast grow.
Ways You Can Help Us Grow
Provide a 5 Star Rating or Write a Review - Apple, Amazon, Audible
Provide a 5 Star Rating - Spotify
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