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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations Podcast

Episode #218 Nutrition Policy And Public Health Consulting, With Stephanie Hodges

On this episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast

Since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic, the demand for public health entrepreneurs has skyrocketed. For today’s show, Dr. Huntley hosts a conversation with Stephanie Hodges, a Nutrition Policy and Public Health Consultant. Stephanie is also the founder and CEO of The Nourished Principles, a public health and nutrition consulting firm that works with public and private sector clients to implement effective public health nutrition.

In Dr. Huntley’s conversation with Stephanie, they discuss how she first became interested in public health, why she chose to pursue it as a career, and hear more about her passion for maternal and child nutrition as well as policy and advocacy. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about Stephanie and Dr. Huntley’s partnership in advocacy during a joint conversation with their senator as a part of National Public Health Week. They discuss how the COVID 19 pandemic has shone a light on the devastating impact of underfunding public health, especially during a pandemic, and the tremendous strain that our healthcare system has experienced.

Later, we hear more from Stephanie on how the focus of her business has shifted from grants to policy, advocacy, and programming work, and how she is able to combine this with her dedication to child health and incorporate these passions into her business. She also offers precious insights into how her expertise in epidemiology has supported her work with elected officials, by using both qualitative and quantitative data to create a deeper understanding of a problem and build solutions. To learn more from this inspiring individual, listen to the full episode for a deep dive into policy change, advocacy, and entrepreneurship!

Listen To This Episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast

Key Takeaway

  • Introducing today’s guest Stephanie Hodges.

  • Growing up in rural Southern Virginia and how it influenced Stephanie’s career choice.

  • How Stephanie and Dr. Huntley became partners in advocacy and had a joint conversation with their senator during National Public Health Week.

  • Why they chose to focus on funding requests and how public health is funded.

  • The devastating impact of the COVID pandemic on an underfunded health system.

  • Why it can be so discouraging when elected officials institute ineffective public health policies.

  • The importance of providing your expertise to elected officials, introducing yourself to staffers, and making yourself available as a resource, even if you don’t agree with their politics.

  • Stephanie’s career in public health and her passion for maternal and child health and nutrition.

  • Stephanie’s business The Nourished Principles and how it has grown over the past few years.

  • School districts and the types of organizations that Stephanie partners with to create and institute policy changes.

  • How having a business allows Stephanie to be more flexible and adapt to where she sees a need for her expertise.

  • How the COVID pandemic has impacted the need for public health entrepreneurs.

  • How Stephanie’s understanding of epidemiology helps her better serve her clients and have a greater impact.

  • Stephanie’s advice for anyone looking to enter the field of public health.

Stephanie's Career Advice To Public Health Students and Graduates

Get to know your peers, colleagues, and communities. Public health is a big world but a small world at the same time.

Links Mentioned in This Episode


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