How Do I Determine My Niche?
[Coaching Call With Saran]
On this episode, I thought it would be helpful to share my coaching session with one of the first coaching giveaway winners, Saran, of the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO group.
Saran is an excellent example of someone with years of public health experience, who has been quietly exploring ideas about consulting in their minds but not really having someone to talk it out with and fully explore the options.
I’ve often worked with clients to help them sort through their thoughts so that they can determine next steps.
We rarely solve everything in one session, of course, but this is an example of a great place to start.
Listen carefully to hear how I guided her through narrowing down her ideas into a manageable focal point.
Listen to the Podcast Episode
Episode Takeaways
I wonder how many of you found that you are very similar to Saran.
Did you notice how she felt good about the ways that she could advance the mission of public health through each of the business avenues that we discussed?
She was aware of her strong skillset and its importance.
It will be interesting to find out what she decides to do, and which direction she goes.
Now, it is important to mention that this coaching session represents a starting point. There are so many things that need to take place if she decides to move forward.
However, I believe that starting from a clear purpose and passion point, makes a huge difference in the way that you pivot and grow your business in public health.
Links Mentioned in This Episode
Enroll in the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO.
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