On This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
On this brand new episode of the podcast, I’m going to explain to you exactly what the upcoming 2021 Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO is and who it is for. The Expo is one of my favorite project to work on, so you will likely be able to hear the excitement in my voice!
Listen to the Podcast Episode
What is the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO?
The EXPO is an online program, where a panel of public health consultants and entrepreneurs, who are passionate about the needs they address and the populations they serve, come together to demonstrate the creative ways that they are advancing public health through their businesses. The presenters demonstrate the power of collaborating in a supportive way to showcase their products and services.
The Program is secure, with a login and password you create to access the material
The Layout is easy to follow, with a warm welcome in the very first module and guidance throughout the whole program.
Well organized layout, where each presenter's information is easy to find and links to directly connect with them are easy to access
There is a section of resources for all levels, from those who are just starting to consider entrepreneurship to those who want support for the businesses they are already started
Explore each presenter's journey into public health, their business structure and focus, as well as the products and services they offer
A Few Commonly Asked Questions That Will Be Addressed In The EXPO
What is public health consulting?
What does it mean to be an entrepreneur in public health?
Why should we support public health consultants and entrepreneurs?
How can we support public health consultants and entrepreneurs?
What tips do you have for someone who is just getting started?
What tips do you have for consultants on finding new clients?
Who is the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO for?
The EXPO is ideal for anyone interested in public health.
The EXPO is ideal for anyone looking to explore the field for the first time
The EXPO is ideal for prospective and current students, graduates
The EXPO is ideal for professionals in academia, government, or research who might be interested in learning about the products and services each of the presenters offer
The EXPO is ideal for anyone in public health who might be interested in starting a business of their own