New Public Health Career Advice & Tips eBook
In this episode, I’m going to share the details of a new eBook that my team and I put together, which is now available as a free gift to all new podcast subscribers. I’m going to tell you all about it and how you can get a copy of it for yourself.
Listen to the Podcast Episode
Remember to Always Check Your Email
Very special program offers and opportunities that are not advertise anywhere else.
You can participate in decisions that impact our community via surveys, polls, quick Q&A call.
Receive behind the scenes updates and announcements about upcoming new events before they are announced anywhere else.
You don’t want you to miss out on something that could be just right for you.
Brand New Career Advice & Tips ebook
Classic career advice
From guests on early episodes - 1st 50 which are no longer available in iTunes/Apple Podcast
The ebook includes the podcast episode number, guest’s name, and the tips they shared.
Well organized ebook with clickable links that take you to the relevant show notes page where you can find links to connect with that episode’s guest
If you subscribed to the podcast a long time ago, then you may be wondering how you can get a copy of this ebook. No worries!
This is why I spent time explaining the importance of opening your emails from me. I included a link to download your copy of the ebook in the email that was sent announcing this episode. So, just check in your inbox.