In this episode, I introduce a free coaching series that will help us wrap up this current year and prepare for public health career success in the new year. Before explaining the upcoming coaching series, I take the time to express thankfulness and gratitude for my community and opportunity to serve in public health.
Thankful for My Community
I am thankful for my family and sweet dear friends, who provide me with unlimited prayers, love, and encouragement.
I am thankful for my audience and followers:
Everyone who has every enrolled in one of my coaching programs, joined me on a webinar, attended a workshop
Everyone who has ever listened to any of my podcast episodes
Everyone who has ever mentioned the podcast to a someone else as a resource
Everyone who has taken the time to write a review of the podcast
Everyone who has liked, commented, shared an episode that was posted on social media
Everyone who has sent me an email or private message on social media, thanking me and expressing what the podcast personally means to them.
Everyone who has ever come up to me at a conference, introduced yourself and expressed your excitement to meet me and appreciation for the podcast
Everyone who listens to episodes, but has never reached out, commented, or responded in any noticeably way, but quietly appreciates the podcast.
I sincerely appreciate all of you and thank you for being a part of this community.
Thankful for My Business
My business has grown tremendously over the last couple of years and I am so truly grateful for the opportunity to serve the populations that I care so much about, in such a big way. I have two arms of my business, one focuses on public health career development lead by the Public Health Epidemiology Careers Podcast, and the other focuses on community – targeting women’s health topics and health promotion – lead by the For My Health Today Podcast. It would not be possible for me to serve and continue to grow without the support of my team.
Thankful for My Amazing Team
Tressa – podcast editor for both podcasts, who has been with me since the very early days
Laura – marketing assistant for the Public Health Epidemiology Careers podcast
Samantha – marketing assistant for the For My Health Today podcast
Gary – copywriter for both podcasts
Faith – new podcast cohost on the For My Health Today Podcast and community manager of The Walking Club, which is our health promotion membership under For My Health Today brand.
Upcoming FREE Coaching Series on the Podcast
As we prepare to wrap up 2019 and move into 2020, I want to help bring our community together and help as many people as I can with this transition.
During the month of December, tune into the podcast because I will present a series of episodes that will help you
Wrap up 2019
Prepare to move into 2020
Preparing in Dec for the new year helps you maximize the new year vs. waiting until jan…the new year… to prepare for the new year
Focus on your passion for public health so that you can start doing rewarding work
By helping as many people as I can with this, we can collectively advance the mission of public health
All of this will help you conduct a self-audit and decide what’s best for you
By listening to this FREE coaching series on the podcast in December, you’ll be clear about next steps in the new year and know if this program is the best next step for you
I already know that many of you have questions about your career and some of you secretly want to transition into something completely different from what you’ve been doing or want to start a business…but you don’t know who to talk to or what steps to take…how to transition.
Listen to the upcoming FREE coaching series because it will help you figure out your next steps.
It’s one of the best ways I can help the majority of you with career planning and development.
The upcoming FREE coaching podcast series is for you if:
New public health student
About to graduate
Graduated but not working in public health
Early career professional
Senior level professional who feels a little too comfortable (maybe bored) with current role
Entrepreneur (secret, new, or thriving business owner)
I’m really looking forward to pouring into each of the episodes in the upcoming series!
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