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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations Podcast

Episode #112 Interview with Harvey A. Kennedy, MPH, Sexual Health Education

Harvey A. Kennedy Shares His Public Health Experience In Sexual Health Education

In today’s episode I speak with Harvey A. Kennedy, who has extensive teaching and research experience in the area of Sexual Health and Behavior Modification. His work revolves around shedding light on important health disparities in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities in the UK.

About Harvey Andre Kennedy

Born in Croydon, South London, Harvey is a scientist by education and a public health and science educator by trade. A qualified teacher, Harvey’s public health interests included health disparities across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, particularly among Gay, Bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM). A member of the PSHE Association and Associate Member of the Royal Society for Public Health, Harvey has had extensive teaching experience as well as research experience in the area of Sexual Health and Behaviour Modification with his work in HIV Counselling and Testing (Sexual Health Engagement), published to the Osong Public Health Journal.

When not working in the community, Harvey enjoys playing viola, singing, playing badminton, sewing and traveling the world. Now completing his doctoral studies at the University of Chester (Faculty of Health & Social Care), he hopes to continue to shed light on the ever- emerging evidence informing existing sexual health services for LGBTQ+ people of colour.

Teaching English in South Korea to Master of Public Health

Harvey Kennedy first became interested in public health when an MPH programme in his local city was brought to my attention during a casual chat he was having with a colleague during his time teaching in South Korea as an English teacher.

After his completion of a B.S. in Biology, he shadowed numerous physicians and physician assistants in a wide variety of specialties. Harvey then worked as a Certified Nurse Technician in a joint Adult and Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre allowed him to enter his public health studies with a broad understanding of body systems, genetic factors related to health, infectious disease control, biostatistics and both curative and preventative approaches to healthcare.

Harvey’s passion led him to start Black Beetle Health, which is a public health community organisation dedicated to promoting health by shedding light on important health disparities in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities in the UK. Black Beetle Health’s more specific purpose is to cultivate a diverse and inclusive public health education and promotion platform that is both accessible and intentional in its fight against stigma and misinformation, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community.

In addition to operating as a social media platform, utilising key social media services to signpost existing culturally-competent service in the UK, it operates as a health education and promotion service which works in collaboration with partnering organisations to offer education on a variety of health topics including, sexual health, mental health, stress management, coping skills and strategies, career guidance and much more. They have also developed a Diversity and Inclusion award called the Black Beetle Award, which is offered as a service to companies wanted to ensure the services they are offering at indeed diversity and inclusive for all, promoting equality for all.

Choose Who To Associate With and Believe In Yourself

Tips for students in public health:

  • Volunteer

  • Insert yourself into the right circles of influence

  • Never be the smartest person in the room

  • Learn how to spot who the time wasters are

  • Learn how to say ‘NO’ to invites to parties or events that put your life goals in jeopardy

Tips for public health graduates:

  • Just do it! Pursue your passion.

  • Nobody is perfect or has ‘arrived’

  • We are all developing on some way or form, and something to contribute.

  • Don’t compare yourself to others

  • Believe you can produce something great

  • Don’t wait until the ‘perfect’ time

  • Use the tools you have right now, and start.

Get In Touch With Harvey Kennedy and Black Beetle Health

Harvey Kennedy

Black Beetle

Tweet Black Beetle Health at @HealthBeetle

Find Black Beetle Health on Instagram @blackbeetlehealth


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